• General wellness product
    In case of social snoring
    First Aid = Recovery Position = More open airways
    Recovery Position reduce snoring
    Swedish patented invention
    Manufactured in Sweden
  • English English
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Snarkning - Olika orsaker


Snoring what causes it

We can opt out of a lot of things in life, but eating and sleeping are the two basic physiological needs we all have in order to survive. But not everyone gets good sleep.

Snoring can affect your memory, motor skills, and mood and has become a social problem globally. It can disrupt family relationships and can affect people you live with, your working life and even road safety. Snoring can lead to negative health problems in the long run.

Sleep clinics offer effective treatments for respiratory arrest during sleep (sleep apnoea syndrome, OSAS) - but not everyone knows that the possibility even exists. How much you snore depends on your anatomy, weight, lifestyle, age and how long you’ve been snoring.

The snorer’s weight plays a large part. If we’re fat on the outside, we’re also fat on the inside. Even slim and regular-sized people can have fat deposits along their throat and snore more as a result. Anatomy thus plays an important part.

Snoring occurs in the vibrating tissues in the upper respiratory tract.

When you fall asleep, the muscles in your body relax. The tissue In the throat is very soft and when the muscles relax, it affects the airways. The walls of the throat relax, the tongue sinks backwards and the soft part of the palate becomes flaccid. If it becomes congested enough, it starts to vibrate, making you snore. The vibrations can occur high up in the nose, in the soft palate or behind the tongue, but most often it’s a combination of all of these.

Since the vibrations from snoring often cause a certain amount of swelling in the throat, you should try a new method/treatment for at least a few weeks before ruling it out. Another reason is that snoring can vary in severity from night to night, depending on body position, nasal congestion, tiredness or alcohol intake.

Smoking worsens snoring, smokers have irritated mucous membranes and increased mucus formation.

Sleeping pills, sedatives or muscle relaxants as well as alcohol can aggravate snoring.

If you sleep with your mouth open, your tongue tends to slip backwards, which makes your airways narrower.

If you have difficulty breathing through your nose, you should seek medical help.


Snoring affects your memory, motor skills and mood and is a global social problem that causes disruption in family relationships and affects living with others as well as your working life and even road safety.