• General wellness product
    In case of social snoring
    First Aid = Recovery Position = More open airways
    Recovery Position reduce snoring
    Swedish patented invention
    Manufactured in Sweden
  • English English
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The recovery (semi-prone) position reduces snoring

EEZYFLOW SLEEP COLLAR – Developed for this optimal sleeping position, which ensures more open airways by comfortably keeping the head up and slightly leaned back, with the jaw forwards and the mouth closed. Wake up feeling more rested and without a dry mouth. Our sleep collar is pleasant and airy to wear, is physiologically designed, is soft, relieves pressure, is height-adjustable and offers spring-action support. The snoring sound is reduced/eliminated to varying extents depending on anatomy, weight, lifestyle, age and how long you have been snoring. 

Nose breathing -

The nose purifies, humifies and regulates the temperature of inhaled air. This improves oxygenation and you sleep better. Click here "More open airways"> 

Social snoring -

Snoring without a pause in breathing (respiratory arrest) or less than five respiratory arrests (apnoea) per hour of sleep. Social snoring can gradually develop into sleep apnoea syndrome which is classified as a disease and needs to be treated. Click here "Snoring and what causes it">

The difference between snoring & sleep apnoea

Causes - Self-care - Treatments
Click here>

Advice for self-care -

Advice for self-care - Sleep experts believe that it’s good sometimes to try out various methods at the same time to achieve the best results. Click here to see what the "Profession recommends>  

Combination products 

Can be combined with Eezyflow. Click here>


Click here>

The Eezyflow story

I have lived with snorers since I was 10 years old. On occasion, the noise level was unbearable. This contributed to frustration and many nights on sofas, in the nursery and, at times, I even found myself sleeping with the dog under the stars in the archipelago instead of on our boat. Read more>           

HTA-Project "Medicinteknik för framtiden" (Medical Technology for the Future) 
– A collaboration between the Swedish Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Assessment of Social Services, the Swedish Dental and Pharmaceutical Benefits Agency, the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions, the Swedish Management Network for Regional Procurement, The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare, Linköping University, the Swedish Medical Products Agency, Swedish Medtech and Vinnova.

Extract from 2.5:     A diagnostic method can often have several application areas 
                                   •  Users of a medical device method gradually improve their skill 
                                   •  Outcomes can depend on the user’s skill in using a medical device

Source: https://www.swedishmedtech.se/sidor/about-swedish-medtech.aspx>

Instructional video - How to put the collar on

It’s very important how you put the sleeping collar on, and that you keep your hands the right way. Instructions are also available under the user manual tab. "Read more">